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The Power of Strategic Logistics

Project Goal

Organizing consistent reinforcement

for the 228th Separate Logistics Battalion

with the necessary resources for swift task execution and enhancing the efficiency of military logistics experts in charge of the strategic supply of extensive front sections with vital cargo.

Battalion's Mission

The 228th Separate Logistics Battalion is a specialized unit within the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The effectiveness of offensive and defensive operations on the most critical front sections directly depends on its performance.

The Battalion's daily tasks involve strategic support for combat brigades as follows:

  • Supply of fuel, ammunition, food, and technical resources;

  • Evacuation and repair of military specialized and armored vehicles; and

  • Construction of strategically significant facilities.

The unit was established following NATO counterparts structure and has since developed robust experience.

How we implement this Project

Our Foundation closely cooperates with the Battalion's civil-military cooperation service. Riy receives information on the critical needs of the Logistics Battalion and responds promptly to those requests by initiating fundraisers and procuring necessary supplies.

Riy also shares its expertise with the military in fundraising, communications, project management, recruitment, and leadership. This accelerates the development of the strategic logistics supply system and stimulates organizational changes within the Battalion.

Project's Strategic Needs

Anyone can positively influence the effectiveness of military logistics by covering its material and technical needs, including the following:


Vehicles for transporting fuel, ammunition, and food 
(covered trucks, pickups, refrigerated trucks, and fuel tankers)


Construction materials for erecting strategically important facilities


Specialized vehicles for evacuating damaged equipment from the battlefield (prime movers, equipment trailers, and recovery vehicles)


Supplies for organizing the daily life of military personnel


Equipment for repairing and restoring military equipment  (cranes, lifts, generators, equipment, and tools, etc.)

The above list of needs was prepared by the Riy Foundation based on the Program for Development and Optimization of the Battalion’s Strategic Logistics. The unit's leadership has thoroughly analyzed the challenges of modern warfare and assessed the needs of each service in terms of equipment and materials.

Current Fundraisers

Strategic fundraiser for enhancing logistics


Fundraiser for a 30-ton capacity prime-mover with a trailer


Fundraiser for material and technical support for the Battalion

Ways to Support the Project

1. Making a donation to cover the Battalion's needs.

2. Organizing your own fundraiser.

3. Joining the project's volunteer team (logistics experts, engineers, and fundraisers, etc. needed).

4. Subscribing to the Battalion’s social media:

and helping spread information about the Battalion's needs and activities.​

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